Saturday, February 11, 2012

Feelin' Sketchy Saturday

 25 minute sketch
charcoal and pastel

 2 minute gestures

 2 minute gestures

 20 minute sketch
charcoal and pastel

10 minute contour drawing

20 minute sketch
graphite and pastel

The drop-in drawing session today was fun, although I left early because of a headache. I sat in a similar place this week (facing the windows), so still battled back-light issues on the model. I used my white pastel more sparingly just to show the bright highlights (and some reflected light) on the body. I enjoy the difference between the contour drawing and the sketch I did of the same pose. The arm coming towards me was quite foreshortened (dramatically so in the contour drawing- he he) and offered a challenge as did the line of her torso. The man sitting beside me happened to be the instructor of the drawing class I took last summer. I said something about our angle being a challenge and he told me to think of it as a landscape. Humph. Helpful!

I am very excited because I have ordered some new art books and they should be here soon. One is called "Art Models 6: The Female Figure in Shadow and Light" by Maureen Johnson. A girl probably should have started with book #1, but #6 looked so good! Anyway, even though it is not as good as a live model, I will have some images to work from at home now and I will be able to work on a pose for more than 20 or 30 minutes at a time.

Have a great weekend!


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Nicki,

These are wonderful. I am impressed. It seems like each week there is some new thing that emerges in your drawing. Super. You are such a talented artist.

XO Barbara

Nicki said...

Barbara, thank you for saying such things! I am not sure I see things changing, but I am glad if you do. Yay!

Nicki XO

Kim Rempel said...

Okay - love that you do these figure drawings Nicki! What a great opportunity. Something I miss. And when I see contour drawings..well, they're one of my favourite things. They just seem so fresh. Nice job.

Nicki said...

Thanks, Kim. I'm glad I heard about these drop-in sessions. It's been a good thing.
