Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Studio Buddy

my studio buddy 
© Nicki Ault, 2017

The plan for the day took a bit of a turn when we woke up yesterday morning and my youngest announced he had a sore throat. I had every intention of sending lunch to school with both my boys so I could take the full day to work on the commission. Painting has been going really well lately and I want to stay in the zone. Anyway, when he said he wasn't feeling well I stopped in my tracks. In my head I heard tires screeching to a halt. Or maybe it was the sound a record makes when someone lifts the needle, but kind of drags it along the record before fully lifting it off. Either way it was a sound you might hear in a cartoon and then silence as I scanned my brain for options. I actually said to myself  "recalculating".

In the end he came to the studio with me for a little while. I decided I to make lemonade from the small batch of lemons his sore throat handed me. We got him all set up with two chairs, a blanket, ginger ale, and his DS (he is under the blanket so he can see the screen better). I figured he could do this on the couch at home or he could do it in my studio. I was able to make a bit more headway on my painting which made me happy. I will have to make up for the lost hours in the coming days. I see some night-time sessions in my future.


Barbara Muir said...

I kept looking for the buddy before I read this. Assuming it would be a cat or dog.
Motherhood eh? It never stops, and that's a good thing.


Nicki said...

That's funny Barbara! No dog or cat... or budgie or hamster, just my son! And, yes, I am A-OK with motherhood never ending!

XO Nicki