On The Edge of Fairy Island
8 x 24"
acrylic on canvas
© Nicki Ault, 2009
I've shown you this painting before, but I am in the position of needing to dip into the archives because otherwise I have nothing. April is a busy month for our family and there is just no way for it to be avoided. To top it off I got sick last week which, for a few days, had me down for the count. This week the calendar looks remarkably free, so my goal is to get to the studio. A lot!
I've found myself in a bit of a funk over a couple of relationships gone awry; one business (not art related) and one personal. Sometimes life throws things at me and I don't always know how to deal. I lose sleep, I over-think, I worry, I feel teary, I add to my growing collection of gray hairs. I am hard on myself because I figure I must have done something wrong. That's my way. I realize I am not unique in this; if you're human you go through these things and often blame yourself. I'm finding that the desperate situation in so many areas of the world, plus the stress of our upcoming election here in Canada and these particular relationship woes have really got me quite overwhelmed. However...
At a time when I have been kind of stuck in my head worrying about people and what we are all doing to each other in this big complicated world, the kindness of a stranger tapped me on the shoulder and showed me something downright good. And REAL- not in my head! I have been uplifted by this woman and without realizing it she has reminded me that a) people care about other people and b) I must not be a total jerk if someone wants to do something so nice for me! Here is the story...

A woman came through the
Open Studio last fall, and although we didn't actually meet she must have taken my business card. She found my blog and has left the odd comment and even emailed a few times, but I wouldn't have recognized her if we passed on the street. She read the post about my easel troubles and contacted me soon thereafter. She had an easel that was given to her years ago, but which she never ended up using. Here's the amazing thing... she wanted to give it to me! Give. No strings. Now if that doesn't make your heart swell a little...
I met her today when I picked it up (and gave her a small painting as a token of my gratitude). She is extremely interesting, an artist, and an amazing photographer. I got a tour of her studio- she is into collage, photo transfers, acrylic skins and encaustic right now. She is incredibly innovative and has inspired me in more ways than one. Her studio is a great big experiment. She has no fear of getting dirty and just trying... maybe it works and maybe it doesn't, but she is learning with each effort. Hearing her talk fired me up! My problem is I need to get over my concerns of the cost of experimenting so that I can let loose and see what might happen.
Thank you for your patience with my sporadic posting. May a stranger make your day today!