This is my
100th post! Hard to believe. To celebrate, you will notice, I have a new look to my blog. I was planning to unveil a new look for my one year milestone, but when I was experimenting with the template designs last night I accidentally hit the "apply to blog" button instead of the "preview" button. Oops and... Voila! I couldn't figure out how to undo it so the revamping has happened a little sooner than planned. Next month will be my one year blog anniversary! Wow. I am planning to do something for my Followers - likely a draw for a painting- so if you want to have your name included in that little celebratory event please join sometime between now and August 19. You can become a Follower by clicking on the button to the right- it is very easy, but you do have to make an account (Google, Twitter, etc.-very easy) if you don't already have one. Friends and Family
are included in this draw as long as you are a Follower. Please send me an email ( if you
do not want your name to be included in the draw- that is no problem.
For fun, on this 100th post, I thought I would show another side of myself. I used to collect porcelain dolls as a young girl and then when I was in my early twenties I began to learn how to make them. My mom and I would sew the clothes. Eventually my dolls were in a northern gallery for a few seasons. The above doll is "Emily" and she stands about 20" tall. She was the first doll I ever entered in a local competition and she won "First in Category" and "Best in Show". That was a pretty exciting time... and a huge shock.

These other dolls are a little sampling of the ones I loved making. The fairies were so fun (the seated one is about 4" and the standing one is about 6") and this little baby was a hit. I sold more of them than any other. Two versions of this baby (named Sugarbritches) are shown here; eyes closed and eyes open with glass eyes fit in. Sooner or later a few things happened: the cost of this hobby became prohibitive, I didn't have a kiln of my own which made it inconvenient, and I began a career... and John and I got more serious. Life happened and this hobby petered out. I still think about it now and then and, who knows, maybe I will go back to it someday.
As always, thank you for checking in on me!