10 x 10"
oil on cradled panel
© Nicki Ault, 2018
available at Webster Galleries in Calgary
There has been an exciting development in my little art world over the last three weeks. I have been approached by
Webster Galleries in Calgary! As a result I envision a little road trip in my near future as I have lots to learn about the art scene in that great city.
Webster Galleries has been around for thirty plus years and the original owner, John Webster, recently sold his well-established business and retired. The new owner, Paula Cook (she is bursting with enthusiasm), relocated the gallery and reopened in September. That is the Coles Notes version anyway. I am anxious to learn more and to see it all in person. I believe the next step for me is to stretch my wings beyond my province, I just need to make sure the timing is right. The last year and a half were so incredibly busy that a slower pace has a certain appeal, and being sick for two months really drove home the need for balance.
I have been candid with Paula about all of this and I certainly appreciate how understanding she has been. In the meantime she has invited me to be part of the Webster Galleries Small Paintings Show opening on November 30th! I am filled with joy that she is so excited about my art. Thankfully the rotating postal strike did not affect the box I shipped and the gallery is now in possession of nine of my paintings! If you are in Calgary or surrounding area I would love it if you would pop in and let me know what you think. There is an opening for the Small Paintings show on November 30th from 3:00-6:00 and the exhibition runs until December 15th.
Please share this news if you have connections in Calgary. Many thanks!