For fun, on this 100th post, I thought I would show another side of myself. I used to collect porcelain dolls as a young girl and then when I was in my early twenties I began to learn how to make them. My mom and I would sew the clothes. Eventually my dolls were in a northern gallery for a few seasons. The above doll is "Emily" and she stands about 20" tall. She was the first doll I ever entered in a local competition and she won "First in Category" and "Best in Show". That was a pretty exciting time... and a huge shock.

These other dolls are a little sampling of the ones I loved making. The fairies were so fun (the seated one is about 4" and the standing one is about 6") and this little baby was a hit. I sold more of them than any other. Two versions of this baby (named Sugarbritches) are shown here; eyes closed and eyes open with glass eyes fit in. Sooner or later a few things happened: the cost of this hobby became prohibitive, I didn't have a kiln of my own which made it inconvenient, and I began a career... and John and I got more serious. Life happened and this hobby petered out. I still think about it now and then and, who knows, maybe I will go back to it someday.
As always, thank you for checking in on me!
Well, personally, I'm glad I checked in on you. Your dolls are fantastic! And, I can see why Emily won such prestigious awards. She's gorgeous!
Now, as for this drawing, I tried really hard to delete everyone else off your list here, but alas, I'm going to have to hope for the luck of the draw...
those dolls are so amazing and of course cute! you should defenitly try and make some more if possible!
Hi Don,
Thanks... for it all: your kind and encouraging words, your inspiring artwork, your consistent comments and your humour!
Hi Artist,
Someday I may try my hand at it again, but for now I must keep my focus on oils and acrylics. That's where my heart is.
Nicki, I'm blown away by your work!! I wanted to be a doll maker once upon a time and studied a German doll maker popular at the time. I bought her book and actually made one with cernit, but I cannot sew and making the clothes, hair and shoes frightened me so I gave up. Your work is INCREDIBLE, I am so impressed. Thank you so much for sharing these, they are all stunning, you are so gifted! What fun to look at~
Hi Suzanne,
How interesting! And thank you so much for your enthusiasm over my dolls. I should say, though, they are wearing mini wigs (which I cut and styled) except for the fairies- those I made out of mohair.
Cernit dolls- I haven't thought about them for years! How cool to find someone with a similar interest from days gone by!
Good luck to you with your limited palette adventure. I'm already thinking about giving up on it! Turns out I really like colour and lots of choices!
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