These glorious little fungi were growing down in the crevice of an old rotting tree stump near the river's edge. It was like a little enchanted world of it's own... a fairy land. I wanted to shrink down and go exploring! I painted it with acrylic on a canvas measuring 10x24 and for the first time I worked on a gray underpainting. This gray was the big colour mixing revelation of the week at the class for me. One of the other students said that mixing alizarin crimson with phthalo green (and white) made the best gray. Up until this point I had never used my phthalo green... I had no idea what to do with it. Well, she was right, it can make a great gray and it was a good base for this painting. If anyone reading this has other tips on ways to mix phthalo green I would love to hear them. I think the fungus on the lower left side is a bit bright and maybe pulls the eye down too much, but I like how the brush strokes look in person, so I think I might leave it. I haven't varnished it yet, so any feedback on this piece would be appreciated.
Well, my little partner in crime has been a very good boy for me while I was hunting and pecking away at this entry. Mr. Potato Head was a helpful source of entertainment, as was the animal hospital we made for Tommy's stuffed animals, but I do believe it is now time for some of mommy's undivided attention. Thanks to those that look in today and please leave any helpful tips... I love to learn!
Hello! I moseyed on over from Suzanne Berry's blog. I love this latest painting. It has almost an abstract look to it...wonderful.
This one is really good, Nicki. I love it! It's so realistic. You really captured that shot. I'm very jealous of your talent. Have you had many art classes? I think that's what I need... some HELP! Ha!
a good post and painting Nicki. pthalo green and alizirn make an excellent black: rich shiny bounces up at you. as for the best gray, i have found that mixing complimentaries and then adding white as necessary tends to produce the gray i want. so if i want a orangy gray i would mix a blue and orange and then a tiny bit more orange to get the gray i want. these grays are probably the most important expecially when you can't put your finger on what the colour is... chances are it is a gray. so you end up with various grays yellowy gray, greeny gray, reddish gray etc. i love these in-betweeners, rather like the fun-guys of painting, working away in the background making it all work as a whole. r.
Hi Sheila,
Nice to meet you, thanks for coming by to have a look and I appreciate your kind comment! It sounds like you have a very interesting background... I'll be zipping over to your blog to look around too!
Hi Janie,
Thanks, this one turned out close to what I envisioned in my mind. I have always been interested in art but in my twenties hadn't done much (for some of those years I was into making porcelain dolls). When I turned thirty I began taking an evening drawing class through our University's continued education classes (not for credit). I did that for the next four years, but it tapered off after having Sammy... I was too exhausted and time wasn't my own any more. Maybe I'll make a post sometime to tell more about it...
and please don't be jealous... I have another post someday to write about my experience on that topic too! :)
Hi Rahina,
I am still chuckling over those posts Chuck Dilmore left on your blog... do you know him personally or through blogging?
Thanks for your tips on phthalo green and grays in general. You are right and I had never thought of it... if there is a colour that you aren't sure of it is probably a gray. Hmmm, light bulb moment! I feel like I am really beginning to expand my colour mixing world and there is soooo much I don't know and instead of being intimidated I am trying to look at it as an opportunity.
Take care wonderful ladies!
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