Monday, November 23, 2015

River Study, Waskesiu

River Study, Waskesiu
12 x 12"
oil on cradled panel
© Nicki Ault, 2015

I actually painted this study after the large painting was done. Kind of backwards, I know. The big painting, "Looking To The Rapids, Waskesiu River", was based on a smaller 6x6 study which a client bought and then decided to give her sister. She wondered if I might do a similar painting on a slightly larger format for her to keep, so "River Study, Waskesiu" was born as a 12x12. Hopefully everyone is happy now!

Speaking of being happy... what an amazing 72 hours it has been! From appointments to preview paintings before the Open Studio, to the Open Studio itself and now follow-up appointments today! WOW! I am overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm shown to all eleven of us at the Studio On 20th, and in particular to those who focused their attention on my paintings. I am so grateful- it is such a validation to the work I do all year long leading up to this. Thank you!!!


Barbara Muir said...

Super beautiful. Is there a right way to go? I might do some small abstracts inspired by my big ones. Love, love, love this. So gorgeous. Glad you are happy. You should be, because you make everyone who sees your work happy.


Nicki said...

It's true, although I usually think of studies being small and then you go big from there. But who is to say? And if it is even a rule, they are made to be broken aren't they?

I am happy... some good things happening I think! 2016 might be a really good year!

XOXO Nicki