Monday, March 14, 2016

A Little Stress, A Big Relief

News! On the weekend I took about fourteen of my oil paintings to the Saskatchewan Craft Council where two established local visual artists adjudicated my work. I set up my "display" and then left the room while they deliberated. I walked over to the nearby Starbucks to pass the time and to be honest with you I was so stressed I don't actually recall the walk. I went back with my coffee straight away and waited to be called back into the room to hear the verdict. They took half the time they said they would and when they called me back in they immediately congratulated me. I passed! I am now officially a juried member of the Saskatchewan Craft Council!


Kim Rempel said...

Of course you are! Glad the stress of it is over though : )

Nicki said...

Thanks Kim. I had all sorts of worst case scenarios going on in my head, but it worked out!