Saturday, August 29, 2009

Advice Where You Least Expect It

I was flipping channels the other night after the kids went to bed and I caught the last part of the make-over show "Style By Jury". They were helping transform a single mom who was a dancer years ago, but had let that part of herself slip away. One of the confidence building exercises they had her do was choreograph a ballet piece to be judged by a panel. How intimidating can you get when you have been out of that world for awhile? However it was something she wanted to get back into and she knew she still had a passion for dance deep inside. When it was all over she was completely elated to have faced her fears and gone through with the whole process. She then had this light bulb moment which really resonated with me. She basically said that so often when we have our children we put our dreams aside to focus on them and make sure they are getting all that they need. She realized that, in fact, this  is actually the time we should bring on our dreams full-force because it is our job to inspire our children. I love this advice! And when it is put that way it makes so much sense.

I hope my boys will someday see that mommy is an individual with dreams of  her own and that it is okay to chase them... even at 41...and even if they aren't the most practical of options!

On that note I have three more paintings to post which will be going into my show in November. They are all 10x10" and acrylic on canvas. I was trying to catch the sunlight filtering through the tress in the forest and illuminating the moss beds.

Deep In The Woods- 10x10 sold
Lit- 10x10 sold
Streaming In- 10x10 sold


Barbara Muir said...

Wow Nicki,

Your work is truly wonderful. My sister the therapist says that the best parents parent with benevolent neglect. That is they totally love their children, but aren't wound into them. They help them, feed them, love them, nurse them, listen to their stories and support them in every way, while living their own lives. A huge challenge. I sometimes worry that my kids will just think clinging to my art while raising them meant I was selfish, but they both seem to be happy people with big dreams. So I guess I was okay.

It would be really horrible if you didn't paint. You are sooooo good.

Take care,


Nicki said...


Thank for stopping by my blog again. Thank you for saying such kind words and for sharing your personal thoughts... it means the world and I sincerely appreciate it.

Yes, it is a difficult thing to find that balance and I haven't been very good at it over the last 6 or so years. I am getting better, but that mother guilt still creeps in. Looking at the year ahead of me I hope I will be able to get more in tune with myself.

All the best,
