Monday, March 25, 2019

Daily Painting Fundraiser - Results Are In!

Daily Painting Project 4
Fifteen Paintings in Fifteen Days (plus one)
© Nicki Ault, 2019

What a fantastic experience! I am overwhelmed by the overall enthusiasm for this fundraiser! To everyone who purchased a painting, a HUGE thank you! We are helping a really great group of about fifty Grade Nines go on an educational trip of a lifetime to Toronto this spring.

You can read full details about my painting project/fundraiser as well as a bit about Collective Voice here and here. They are not a singing group :)

I would like to mention a few additional things about Collective Voice. This is a Grade Nine program offered at only one high school in Saskatoon. There is an application process and Grade Eight students from all over the city are invited to apply. The program can accommodate about fifty kids which make up two classes. These fourteen and fifteen year olds are engaged learners, they are from all walks of life, they care about our world and our communities and, as the school year goes on, they become a tight-knit group. Both of my boys applied; my oldest was in a class two years ago and my youngest is currently in one of the classes.

The teacher, Matt Love, makes it clear at the high school information night for Grade Eights that ALL interested students should apply. He always stresses that, despite the program including a big class trip (flights and hotels), students should not feel hindered by finances because as a collective group families are expected to be dedicated to fundraising all year in order to reduce costs for everyone. Also, bursaries are available for anyone who may need extra financial assistance to cover the expense of the trip and various experiences throughout the school year.

I love that financial burden is not a reason to not apply for Collective Voice because everyone involved will do their part to take that burden away. If you are an eager learner, a responsible and motivated student and you want to experience what this program offers, you should apply.

I wanted to help raise money for this year's trip and in the past I have donated small paintings for silent auctions, but I wondered how I could raise a bit more money. I am not in the position to write a $1500 cheque as a donation, but I am able to use my supplies and my time to paint some art which can be sold to raise that kind of money. HOW FANTASTIC IS THAT?!

So, again, I thank everyone who got on board with my idea and bought, or tried to buy, one of the fifteen "daily paintings".


WOW! All fifteen paintings sold, each $100, and a few people actually e-transfered a bit more than the $100 for their paintings. Also, I made a rookie mistake and to rectify that, a 6x6 painting I had on hand from before the project was sold with that $100 being donated to the fundraiser (that is why there are sixteen paintings in the above collage rather than fifteen).

Thank you everyone and, I am sure, Mr. Love and his fifty students thank you!

1 comment:

Barbara Muir said...

Wow Nicki! Congratulations. I'm so proud of you!