Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter Sunday!

Baloo the Black Bear Hamster
© Nicki Ault, 2017

Happy Easter Sunday!

We finally have a pet in our home! My son has been wanting an animal to care for and so for his thirteenth birthday we let him pick out a hamster. We have had her for a week now and she has settled in really well. She is so fun to watch and play with. She loves to be held and she loves her hamster ball. I just posted a video on my Instagram page if you want to see her running around in it. Click the camera icon to the right and see today's post.

We took her to the pet store yesterday to buy her a few treats and to ask a few questions. We did find out that she should not eat too much in the way of fruits and veggies because anything too watery gives them tummy troubles. Don't worry- she didn't have all these carrots, but she did choose to nibble for a minute on this one that was cut in a disc shape. She looked so funny holding onto it with her little pink hands. And she is a hoarder! It is amazing what she can store in her cheeks!

Things just got a whole lot more adorable around here!


Barbara Muir said...

I'm happy for you. People need pets, and I don't know what we'd do without
our dog and two cats. They are so much fun and so loving.


Nicki said...

Little Baloo left us after ten days. It was heart breaking to see Tommy experience his first really sense of loss and grief. I have no idea what happened. We have since got another hamster... Shadow! She is so cute and has a different personality so it is fun to get to know her.
