Seeing The Light
~9 x 13"
acrylic on watercolour paper
© Nicki Ault, 2001
Well, my dry spell continues; a visual artist's equivalent of writer's block. I am hoping to break this unfortunate streak this week. I am going to the studio for sure
tomorrow and paint is hitting canvas no matter what... unless anyone
wants to go for coffee, in which case I could probably be talked into it!
But no! NO! I must focus and try to get a feel for my new studio space.
I just need to start working and hopefully I will begin to feel like I
am a painter again.
I had to go into the archives for the image you see today. This is my first successful acrylic painting (at least in my mind). I kept it and I still love how the thing looks! It will be hung somewhere in my house, but I might have to update the frame first.
I put this quote on my Facebook page earlier today and it is really helping to inspire me:
"Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen."
~Robert Bresson
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~Robert Bresson